Małgorzata Warmuzek, Łukasz Boroń, Adam TchórzQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CAST IRON MICROSTRUCTURE IN TERMS OF THE APPARATUS AND METHODOLOGYAbstractIn this work the results of the application of different imaging techniques and image analysis systems for measurements of chosen either stereological parameters or geometrical features for some of morphology models occurring in the cast alloys, especially taking into account cast iron with either spheroidal or vermicular graphite have been compared and interpreted. The statistical important difference of the obtained results have been stated and recognized as caused first of all by quality of analyzed images and local geometry features of the analyzed objects. The results of the graphite particles classification according to the size class in the actual standard PN-EN ISO 945-1, using different imaging and analysis procedures. Keywords: microstructure, image analysis, graphite, cast iron, stereological parameters, graphite classification, Download 1.72 MB >> |